Energy audit cell is one which aims at creating a more secure future from the point of view of energy needs. The members of the cell strive to generate awareness regarding the necessity to shift focus on conservation of energy and the cell has also various programs to create awareness among the students and staff of our college. The cell tries to make the students and general public aware of the grave present scenario and how wastage of energy should be considered almost a cardinal sin. It seeks to find out methods to reduce the energy consumption. The Cell encourages the use of more ‘Green Energy’ and limit the use of fossil fuels. The cell members create awareness about conducting the energy audit to find wastage of energy and in finding opportunities for energy conservation. The cell also actively participates in research and development programmes to build small scale projects and devices plans on how these projects can be implemented more feasibly on a larger scale. The cell is progressing leaps and bounds in this field and hopes to continue doing so for years to come.



  • To reduce the wastage of energy in the college.
  • To create awareness among the staffs and students about the need for energy conservation.
  • To harness the environment friendly RE sources and to enhance their contribution to the socio-economic development.
  • To create public awareness and involve users/local community along with capacity building in establishing, operating and managing RE projects.
  • To support efforts for developing, demonstrating and commercializing new and emerging technologies in the RE sector.
  • To reduce monthly energy cost.
  • To decrease energy consumption and loss, to increase energy utilization efficiency.
  • To extend the usage of renewable energy resources.
  • To prioritize renewable energy systems in the buildings to be built newly.
  • To implement the measures for energy conservation & realization of savings.

  • Functions and Activities
    • Implementation of New Recommendation from Audit report.
    • Slogan competition and poster presentation- Event to be conducted.
    • Encouraging the projects related to designing energy efficient devices.
    • Programme to create awareness based on the audit conducted in the college.


    The Programme Officer,
    Energy Audit Cell
    Mount Zion College of Engineering and Technology
    Pudukkottai-622 507.
    Phone: 04333-294400