Major focus of IIC
- To create a vibrant local innovation ecosystem
- Start-up supporting mechanism in HEIs
- Prepare institute for Atal Ranking of Institutions on innovation achievements framework
- Establish function ecosystem for scouting ideas and pre-incubation of ideas
- Develop better cognitive ability for technical students
Functions of IICs
- To conduct various innovation and entrepreneurship-related activities prescribed by Central MIC in time bound fashion
- Identify and reward innovations and share success stories
- Organize periodic workshops/ seminars/ interactions with entrepreneurs, investors, professionals and create a mentor pool for student innovators
- Network with peers and national entrepreneurship development organizations
- Create an Institution’s Innovation portal to highlight innovative projects carried out by institution’s faculty and students
- Organize Hackathons, idea competition, mini-challenges etc. with the involvement of industries
S.NO. |
1 |
Mrs.N.Radha |
President |
2 |
Mrs X.Sharly Monica |
Internship Activity Coordinator, Social Media Coordinator |
3 |
Mrs.V.Bharathi |
IPR Activity Coordinator |
4 |
Mr.S.Sundaravignesh |
Innovation Activity Coordinator |
5 |
Ms.K. Anitha |
Startup Activity Coordinator |
- Dr S.Sendil Kumar attended workshop on “Funding Opportunities for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development” @ RMK Engineering College, Chennai on 09th November 2019
- Mrs.N.Radha attended IIC Innovation Ambassador Training Series in "DESIGN THINKING & INNOVATIONS” organised by Institution’s Innovation Council & MHRD’s Innovation Council @ Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology , Coimbatore on 6th & 7th January 2020
- Dr S.Sendil Kumar attended IIC Innovation Ambassador Training Series in "IPR & TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER” organised by Institution’s Innovation Council & MHRD’s Innovation Council @ Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology , Coimbatore on 6th & 7th January 2020
- Mrs.N.Radha has undergone Innovation Ambassador Training (Advanced Level) conducted by MoE’s Innovation Cell & AICTE during the period from 30th June – 30th July 2021 in online mode.
- Dr.V.Kavitha, Mr.N.Jagadeesh and Mrs.I.ReginaMary undergone Innovation Ambassador Training (Foundation Level) conducted by MoE’s Innovation Cell & AICTE during the period from 30th June – 30th July 2021 in online mode.
Received Rs 40,000/- funding support from MHRD Innovation Cell to organise impact lecture session on the theme of Innovation, IPR, Startup and Entrepreneurship.
- Students VR.Arun, J.Adhithya, J.Salai Nibunamani, JM.Mohamed Hasan Khan, T.Divya, B.Pavithra won cash Award of Rs. 75000/- in Smart India Hackathon 2019 held at Indian Institute of Technology, Bhilai
- Students Rahul Kumar Singh, S.Rajesh, S.Sivakama Sundari, S.Kaviya, T.Divya, B.Pavithra won cash Award of Rs. 1,00,000/- in Smart India Hackathon 2020 held at Manipal Institute of Technology, Karnataka in virtual mode.
- IIC of MZCET secured excellent rating and was bestowed with 5 star rating for its outstanding activities and performance during the academic year 2019-20 (IIC 2.0)
- 11 student teams of MZCET participated in TOYCATHON 2021 and 2 teams shortlisted for National Level Grand Finale under Hardware Edition organised by Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell & AICTE
- 20 student teams of MZCET submitted their ideas and prototypes in Young India combating COVID with Knowledge, technology And Innovation (YUKTI 2.0).
- MZCET selected as MENTOR IIC INSTITUTION for the MENTOR MENTEE PROGRAM 2021-22 for the execution of IIC 4.0 by Ministry of Education & AICTE, Govt. of India
- IIC of MZCET secured excellent rating and was bestowed with highest rating of 4 star rating for its outstanding activities and performance during the academic year 2020-21 (IIC 3.0)
- MZCET is recognized in the band “PERFORMER” under the category “Colleges/Institutes (Private/Self Financed) – Technical” in ATAL Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA) 2021, a flagship program of the Ministry of Education, Government of India.